This tutorial makes Spiral Effect, this tutorial is not much different from the previous tutorial ..!
Step 1
We create a document 800x600, and we baground with Black color.
Step 2
Select Filter> Render> lens Flare.
Step 3
More Select Filter> Render> Les Flare.
Step 4
Select Filter> Distort> TWIRL and set.
Step 5
Ctrl + j To Duplicat layer, then set rotasinya be 90 degrees and change the Blending mode to become the screen.
Justify and use the erase tool.
Step 6
CTR + E to merge with baground, then CTR + J to Duplicat Baground
and change the Blending mode into overlay.
Step 7
Ctrl + E to merge the baground,then select Filter> Distort> Glass.
Step 8
Ctrl + J to duplicat layer Blending Mode to change and become overlayand change rotasinya be 180 degrees..
Step 9
Select the image> Adjusment> hue / saturations.
and you see the results.
Spiral Effect
Labels: Effect Abstrack
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